Title: The Maze Runner
Author: James DashnerPublished: 2009
Publisher: Delacorte Press

A brief synopsis; (Via Goodreads)
If you ain’t scared, you ain’t human.
When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his name. He’s surrounded by strangers—boys whose memories are also gone.
Nice to meet ya, shank. Welcome to the Glade.
Outside the towering stone walls that surround the Glade is a limitless, ever-changing maze. It’s the only way out—and no one’s ever made it through alive.
Everything is going to change.
Then a girl arrives. The first girl ever. And the message she delivers is terrifying.
Remember. Survive. Run.
The Maze Runner has a very interesting premise. A group of teenage boys trapped in a deadly maze- and, what's even more interesting, is how nobody seems to survive their teen years.
I won't lie; I raced to finish this book in less than a day. It's been on my shelf for a few months, collecting dust, but then. Last night, I finally saw the trailer for the film, and, oh boy. It looked fantastic. So I just had to finish it, so I could go and see the film (I don't even know if it's still in cinema).
Either way, I am now even more determined to see the ending, because, well, oh wow.
This book is fantastic. I was a bit dubious within the first few chapters, as it has been a while since I've read a book in third person narrative, and so it read quite foreign to me. But I got used to the style, eventually, and I am so glad I did!
There is not a single dull character in this book. There are several nameless (and faceless) ones, but they're not vital to the story, don't detract anything from it.
I think I'd rather talk about the plot, though, if I'm honest.
The Mazer Runner centres on Thomas, a boy who wakes up inside the Box with no memory besides his name. The Box is a lift, which takes him up into the Glade- the centre square of a horrible maze. Within the Glade is a self formed community of teenage boys - appropriately named 'Gladers' - who have learned to survive for the last two years. All the boys were within the same boat when they first arrived - they could remember nothing but their name.
Surrounding the Glade is a deadly maze; every night, the doors to the maze close and the walls move. It's up to Thomas and the rest of the Gladers to try and find an exit to the maze, but with them changing shape every night- how is it possible? Not to mention the Grievers- mechanical beings that prowl the maze day and night, stinging or killing whomever they come across.
But then something strange happens. A girl is sent into the Glade, the first ever, with an ominous message. Oh, and she also apparently triggered the end, but no one really knows what that is, but they blame Thomas regardless.
And then the doors don't close. The maze walls don't move. The Grievers are free to enter the Glade, and vow to take a boy each night until there is no one left. So it all becomes clear: they have to find a way out of the maze, or die in the maze.
See, just look at that plot. How good is it? Reading it, there aren't even any holes. Not that I could spot, anyhow. Well, there was one thing- Thomas seems to contradict himself a lot on one particular aspect: his thoughts on his new 'friend', Chuck.
Chuck is the first person to be nice to Thomas when he enters the Glade, and in the end becomes a sort of brother to him. One moment, he's extremely glad to have him. The next, he can't stand his guts, Then he feels sorry for him, then hates him again, then is glad, etc. It revolves around, but he's very loveable as a character.
But that's it, I swear. I can't wait to see what is in store for them all in The Scorch Trials; it's definitely a book that's on my Christmas list.
My Favourite Quote;
Thomas cried, wept like he'd never wept before. His great, racking sobs echoed through the chamber like the sounds of tortured pain.Star Rating: 5/5
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